In the surrondings

Lake Garda is one of the most fascinating places in northern Italy.

This basin with blue and clear waters bathes the shores of real pearls of the territory.

The towns on Lake Garda have ancient origins and compelling stories; well-preserved villages and small characteristic harbors will conquer you with their charm.Easily accessible even cities known all over the world such as Verona, Venice, Mantua, Milan.

There is no shortage of golf courses, riding stables, paths to be covered on foot or by bike, museums, theme parks and amusement.History, tradition, nature and genuine people. A territory to be discovered from different points of view.


Roman and medieval city, Unesco Heritage that develops between the sinuosities of the Adige river and its seven bridges. Known above all for the immortal work "Romeo and Juliet" by Shakespeare who crowned it the city of lovers. Verona has a lot to offer, from the Arenian Festival to shopping streets, from museums to nightlife: ancient and modern life come together in a fascinating place.


Considered one of the most beautiful cities in the world, romantic, fascinating, surprising, a reality where time seems to stand still. Rich in unique works of art and architectural masterpieces gathered over centuries of dominion over the seas. Crossing the Grand Canal by gondola or getting lost in the calli between glimpses, rustic rooms and fish specialties will help make your experience unique.


The City of Fashion and Design, one of the most populous metropolitan areas in Europe. Visits to museums and monuments combined with walks in the Fashion District. History and modernity coexist in this metropolis with many souls.


A stop not to be missed; splendid Lombard art city elected in 2016 Italian capital of culture. A city rich in history, among buildings and works of art that tell the charm of the Italian Renaissance. Palazzo Ducale, Palazzo del Te, Ponte San Giorgio are inevitable destinations.


UNESCO World Heritage Site since 2009, a paradise for trekking and climbing